Why is it that the earthly-minded accuse those who might dare to believe and imitate God (Eph 5) with “He is too heavenly-minded to be any earthly good!”?
Sounds so “smart” and sensible, doesn’t it? It’s practical, pragmatic. “Religion is ‘good’, but it must have it’s place”, they will say. What they mean to say is that this “God business” must be subjugated to a lesser prominence than the important issues and cares of this life.
But can we be “too” heavenly-minded?
Is it the pure Wisdom from above (the mind of Christ; the Wisdom of God) or is it the worldly wisdom from below (earthly, sensual and demonic)? (James 3:15) The corrupt wisdom of the world’s way of thinking says that we should not only be wordly-minded (fleshly), but that we should live this world’s life (aka, “the Good Life”) to it’s fullest (Rom 1:32)! And sadly, this wisdom flows out of the mouths of those who profess to know God.
Yes, the carnal mind has a way of excusing and accusing the conscience.(Rom 2:15-16). The one who is lukewarm toward God (Rev 3:14-22), along with the one who openly rebels against the LORD, EXCUSES their own degenerative heart and further more ACCUSES those who are remaining in the regeneration of the Spirit of Christ.
Again I ask: Is it possible to be “too” heavenly-minded?
Revelation 12:12 (NKJV)
Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
Can you hear the “Woe” from God’s Word? The Gospel includes an eternal and resounding WOE to carnality, sin, worldly thinking, self, and anything else that is not of God in Christ. After all, only those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God. (Rom 8:14) And if we walk in the Spirit we will NOT fulfill to lusts and desires of the flesh. (Gal 5:16) Can you hear the wonderful news of this message from Heaven and from Him who is and was and is to come?
The religious leaders of Jesus’ day ACCUSED Him of being possessed by a demon, but Jesus unashamedly proclaimed the righteousness of be heavenly-minded 24/7 by saying He only spoke and did the things he heard and saw from His Father in Heaven. (John 17) And then Jesus commanded those who would escape the condemnation and power of sin to “Imitate Me!” (Luke 9:23, John 12:26) How we like to say we are “followers” of Jesus but the word in the greek actually means to an “imitator” as Paul taught in Eph 5. The apostle John commanded the very same when we wrote that “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked” (1 John 2:6)
What does Paul mean when he writes that the gospel “is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes”? (Rom 1:16) Are we denying that Power when we have a form of godliness but a powerless life filled with sin, doubt, and faithlessness?
The scripture says: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” (2 Timothy 2:19) But it is only by and through abiding in the Spirit of Christ that we can do all things and overcome Satan, the power and dominion of sin, and put to death the deeds of the sinful flesh (Rom 8:13, Col 3:5)
So if it’s a problem to be too heavenly-minded, then why was Jesus modeling this for us? Why does Paul, through the Spirit, command us to having the heavenly-minded thinking of Christ in us? (Phil 2:5) Why are we told to think on things above where Christ sits at the right hand of God the Father? (Col 3:1)
Beloved, do not be deceived: if we are not wholly holy heavenly minded we CAN NOT be any earthly good for our King and His Kingdom.
Are you seated with Christ in Heaven or do you still “dwell in the earth”? (Rev 12:12) Are you among those who “seek those things of above” (Col 3:1) and “set your affections on things above” (Col 3:2)?
Or are you among the multitudes who know not Christ or those who are slowly drifting away from the One who purchased them with His own blood and who habitually set their affections on things of the earth?
Make your invitation into the Kingdom of God a sure thing!
2 Peter 1:10-11 (NKJV)
Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.