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Is a ‘Wealth Tax’ Biblical?

In an era of Robin Hood taxation ideologies, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) recently proposed a devastatingly delusional 70% tax on the wealthiest citizens. And now Elizabeth Warren is greedily scheming up a new ‘wealth tax’ to correct the evils of wealthy Americans.

‘New’ because we already have multiple tax penalties for the wealthier: the existing estate or death tax along with higher tax brackets for higher income. Sounds more like Rob’em Good to me.

But since all of this chicanery is couched in the name of compassion and care (cue Friar Tuck), what would Jesus do? The implication is that a wealth tax is the ‘Christian’ thing to do. Would the consummate compassionate and caring God of the Universe force the rich to pay disproportionately more than the poor and middle-class?Is a ‘Wealth Tax’ Biblical?

Silencing the Ewes

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Good intentions are seed of grand inventions. Such is the case when verses are taken out of context. Sometimes a verse is followed out of a pure intention to honor God, but the follower is… Silencing the Ewes

The Price of Peace

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The VOICE translation says it this way: “Better to gnaw on a bit of dry crust in peace than to feast in a house full of stress.” (Proverbs 17:1) Peace has a cost. It costs us… The Price of Peace

SCOTUS says Bow. What say you?

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The Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS) has overturned the will of the people and the rights of individual states by ruling that same-sex marriage is now legal across the land. They have ruled against God, Himself — effectively becoming judges of God’s Law and judging the Law Giver Himself…God.

To Whom Shall We Bow?

Think about it. With this ruling the Court has indicted God as a transgressor of Man’s law. But the question before many of us is, to whom do we bow: the Supreme Court of the United States or the Supreme Judge (God)?

In other words, do we accept this as law and abide by it, or do we refuse to accept and obey what clearly is against God?SCOTUS says Bow. What say you?