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“Knowing God” – Part 3

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Beloved, here’s another example of how prolific this message of Knowing God or “thinking the things of the Spirit” is in the whole counsel of God. Our late brother David Wilkerson brings it to the forefront in this exhortation (below).

In case you missed the first two exhortations on Knowing God, there are here:

As you read David’s exhortation and see the word REPENT, understand that this word is not JUST sorrow over sin, but a changing of one’s thinking toward the things of the Spirit of God and of Christ, and away from the spirit of this Age and of our flesh.

REPENT: gk, metanoeo. To think differently, that is to reconsider. Thayer’s says: to change one’s mind for better.

Repentance is key to becoming acquainted and intimate with God, or in other words, “knowing God”.

REMOVING the CANDLESTICK by David Wilkerson

In Revelation 2:5, Christ gives us a word that lets us know we had better take heed. He says, “Repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick.”

“Knowing God” – Part 3