God is bigger than our biggest failures. Because, “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our Lord.” (Romans 5:20–21) What awesome news!
In a surrendered life to Christ, we become more… MUCH more, much bigger and higher than who we once were. We soar above our painful past as we ride on the wings of His hope. This is the HOPE for ALL of an abundant life relationship with the living Jesus, today!
Jesus says with such confidence and Kingdom audacity that wicked sinners – those the world looks down upon – who recognize their need and who come to Him will enter the Kingdom of God before those who think they are not in need of God.
The Weak find Strength In Jesus
Jesus is looking for those who’ve run out of options; those at the end of their rope; all who are weary and without hope and strength in any other means of help.
Are we at this place today? We could’ve had a salvation experience years ago, but are we walking in a palpable state of God’s freeing grace, forgiveness, and power today?God is Bigger than our Biggest Failures